Today we will explore more common chord progressions.
Remember to reference “Family of Chords – Song Writing 101 ” blog.
1) I, IV, V, IV or in the key of C major = C major, F major, G major, F major.
2) ii, V, I, vi or in the key of C major = D minor, G major, C major, A minor.
3) I, V, vi, IV or in the key of C major = C major, G major, A minor, F major.
4) I, IV, viio, iii, vi, ii, V, or in the key of C major = C major, F major, B diminished, E minor, A minor, D minor, G major or G seventh.
Play (strum) each chord for one measure or 4 beats. Loop record or have a friend play chords while you play all positions (modes) of the C major scale. First use quarter notes only for 10 minutes, then eighth notes only for 10 minutes. Remember once you are comfortable in all voicings of C major then you must transpose to all other keys.
All materials copyright 2010. For personal use only.
Vince Lauria Sun and Earth Music