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Simple Soloing with Easy Chords Part I


Mar 14, 2018 Beginning, General

A Minor Pentatonic Scale

The Pentatonic Scale is an easy to play – must know scale.

It is used to solo for Rock and Blues and many other musical styles.

  1. Play each note one at a time from low E to high thin E strings.

Use down picking only.


  1. Play each note of scale 2 times each – using continuous down up picking.

Start Down picking.

ie: Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up,

When changing strings start in the opposite direction from the last direction.

So if you did up picking start on down picking for next note of scale.

If you did down picking start on up picking.


  1. This is much harder to do than it sounds!

So start slow and look at your picking hand

and make sure the picking direction is correct.

If you make a mistake – start one note before the mistake and continue.

Once comfortably gradually increase speed.


On staff and traditional guitar tab:

The note to note intervals are the same for all keys.

This applies to any string, octave, position.

Repeat this same process for bass, piano and any other instrument.


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