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How to Play, Understand & Figure Out All Scales-Part VI


Nov 22, 2017 General, Intermediate

Using the C major scale as the foundation for all scales. Now learn how to alter the C major scale to create the C Whole Tone Scale. The diagram below is for guitar but the note relationship or distances from note to note is same for all instruments.


Memorize and play the C Whole Tone Scale. Just sharp the F, G, and A or #4, #5 and #6.

ALL scales repeat the same pattern up and down in tone. C major scale: C, D, E, F, G, A, B and C. Numbers are given to correspond to the major scale degrees or positions.

C Major Scale: C=1/Root, D=2nd, E=3rd, F=4th, G=5th, A=6th, B=7th, C=8th/octave.

C=1/Root, D=2nd, E=3rd, F#=#4th, G#=#5th, A#=#6th, C=8th/octave.

The whole tone scale has each note is a whole step distance from each other.

The Whole Tone Scale is a symmetric scale. This means the scale does not create a mode when starting on different note or scale degree. there are five common symmetrical scales:

Chromatic, Whole tone, Diminished, Diminished 2 and augmented.


C Whole Tone Scale= C, D, E, F#, G#, A# and C    

The note to note intervals are the same for all keys. This applies to any string, octave, position or instrument.

Memorize the note formula C, D, E, F#, G#, A# and C. Using the note name chart below – play the C Whole Tone Scale scale starting from low thick open E string up neck, then back down neck. Repeat this same process for each string. Remember to say note names out loud as you play each note up and then down in tone. Repeat this process for all 6 strings: Low E, then A, D, G, B and thin E string. The underlined fret number indicates dot positions:


open   1        3,      5,        7,       9,          12,          15,      17     19,   21,        24


Now play and say out loud the C Whole Tone Scale note by note up and back each string.

Repeat this process for all strings.


E, F#, G#, A#, C, D, E, – E, D, C, A#, G#, F#, E

this is C Whole Tone Scale starting on open low thick E string.


A#, C, D, E, F#, G#, A# – A#, G#, F#, E, D, C, A#

this is C Whole Tone Scale starting on 1st fret A string – A# to A# 13th fret octave.


D, E, F#, G#, A#, C, D – D, C, A#, G#, F#, E, D

this is C Whole Tone Major scale starting on open D to D 12th fret octave.


G#, A#, C, D, E, F#, G# – G#, F#, E, D, C, A#, G#

this is C Whole Tone Scale starting on 1st fret G string to 13th fret octave.


C, D, E, F#, G#, A#, C – C, A#, G#, F#, E, D, C

this is C Whole Tone Scale starting on 1st fret B string to B 13th fret octave.


E, F#, G#, A#, C, D, E, – E, D, C, A#, G#, F#, E

this is C Whole Tone Scale starting on open high thin E string.


Repeat this same process for bass, piano and any other instrument.


All materials for personal use only.

Vince Lauria Sun and Earth Music