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Etude No 1 Heitor Villa Lobos – Theory Overview – Page 5-6 Final


Mar 14, 2018 General, Intermediate

Etude No 1 Heitor Villa Lobos – Theory Overview – Page 5 and 6 – Final


Paris, 1929

Analyzed by VLL


I, ii, iii, IV, V, vi, viio, I octave= 3 note family of chords key of G major/ E Natural Minor.

Pages 5 and 6


#24=chromatic half steps up to the chord. Eb to E

Bb to B, etc. Apply concept to your own writing.

#25= II7 sub dominant seventh for the iim7b5

you sub for m7b5 chord

You can substitute a minor, minor7th or a minor seventh flat 5th chord with a dominant seventh chord.

#26= II7/b9

#27= ii6 subbed minor 6th for a diminished or minor 7thb5 chord. Less common.

#28=V7 sub

#29= i


#30 = im6/#4 rare sub. most fancy sub, Lydian against minor (like Led Zeppelin).

#31= i (in natural harmonic)

#32= i/sus2

#33 = I6/9 (minor tonality end on major chord tonality)

Picardy third


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