Guitar Lessons Las Vegas: Learn Guitar With Vince Lauria! Call 702.626.9155

Basic Song Theory Part 3


Nov 12, 2017 Beginning, General

Using the 3 note chords created from the C Major Scale below play their chords in the common progression (sequence) listed below.



I    = C major = C, E, G  also called Root, third and fifth.

ii   =    D minor   = D, F, A

iii  =    E minor   =  E, G, B

IV =    F major   =  F, A, C

V  =    G major   =  G, B, D

vi   =   A minor   = A, C, E

viio =  B diminished  = B, D, F






  1. I //// //// IV //// ////
  2. I //// V //// I //// //// I //// V //// I ////
  3. I //// IV //// V ////
  4. I //// IV //// V //// IV ////
  5. I //// V //// IV ////
  6. I //// V //// IV //// V ////
  7. IV //// I //// V //// I ////


//// = hash marks are quarter notes

or one strum per line /


Now record these progressions with a metronome or drum machine and play the C major scale live to chords to experiment creating instrumental and vocal melodies.

It is important to memorize these chords in all possible positions on the fret board and or the keyboard. Later transpose to all keys (twelve notes fifteen written keys).

Now transpose these to each position (register) of your instrument, then to all 15 keys.



All materials copyright 2016. For personal use only.

Vince Lauria Sun and Earth Music