Guitar Lessons Las Vegas: Learn Guitar With Vince Lauria! Call 702.626.9155

Basic Song Theory Part 1


Nov 12, 2017 Beginning, General

These lessons are made for any instrument.

You must have a basic knowledge of note values as well as basic chords, major, minor, diminished and dominant.

This will help you become a better song writer!


C Major Scale number formula, steps, interval relationship and note names.

C  Major Scale:

C, D, E, F, G, A, B and C again.

C to D is a whole step. WS

It is also a major second.

D to E is a whole step.  WS

It is also a major second.

E to F is a half step.  HS

It is a minor second.

F to G is a whole step.  WS

It is also a major second.

G to A is a whole step.  WS

It is also a major second.

A to B is a whole step.  WS

It is also a major second.

B to C is a half step.  HS

It is a minor second.

Here’s the breakdown:

C to D is a WS is also a major second interval.

The step formula gives a scale its sound

(WS, WS, HS, WS, WS, WS, HS)

note to note relationship or structure.

The number formula is the entire sequence.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8/1/R

The point is to view a scale in three ways.

Number formula = 1/R, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (octave). The Number formula is all the notes

sequentially. Shortcut to define and memorize.

Step formula = whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step and half step.

Note to note relationship.

Interval distances = major second, major second,

minor second, major second, major second,

major second and minor second.

Note to note relationships.


Every Major Scale has the exact same note relationship and structure. All 15 keys.


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