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Use of Family of Chords In a Popular Song


Nov 14, 2017 Beginning, General

Today lets look at how the family of chords is put to work in a hit song.

We will be looking at “Let It Be” by the Beatles.

Intro:   I, V, vi, IV, I, V, IV, I

Verse: I, V, vi, IV, I, V, IV, I repeat verse

Chorus: vi, V, IV, I, I, V, IV, I

2nd Verse:  I, V, vi, IV, I, V, IV, I repeat verse

Chorus: vi, V, IV, I, I, V, IV, I repeat chorus

Segway riff:  F,E,D,C,Bb,A,G,F,C repeat segway with organ

Solo over verse: I, V, vi, IV, I, V, IV, I repeat verse

Chorus: vi, V, IV, I, I, V, IV, I

3rd Verse: I, V, vi, IV, I, V, IV, I repeat verse

Chorus: vi, V, IV, I, I, V, IV, I

Outro is same as segway riff: F,E,D,C,Bb,A,G,F,C

End on C major chord



I    =   C major

ii   =   D minor

iii  =   E minor

IV  =   F major

V   =   G major

vi  =    A minor

viio =  B diminished




Chords written on musical staff left to right: Cmaj, Dm, Em, Fmaj, Gmaj, Am, Bdim







Now transpose these to each position (register) of your instrument, then to all 15 keys.


All materials copyright 2010. For personal use only.

Vince Lauria Sun and Earth Music